
В исследовании анализируется возможность перевода вахтовых автобусов, используемых для доставки персонала, участвующего в разработке месторождений Арктической зоны, на газомоторное топливо с использованием имитационных моделей. The strategy of spatial development of the country for the period up to 2024, based on the infrastructure of a specific type of transport, provides for the connection of the territories of settlements with modern communications; phased reconstruction and modernization; personnel, technical and technological support for interaction and digital transformation of the Russian transport complex. The development of the Russian Arctic is a priority area, since it has a significant natural resource, socio-economic and transport potential, which must be maximized, taking into account all the features of this region. It is important to develop the northern territories in such a way that the transport infrastructure of the Arctic meets the requirements in the field of comfort and safety of the human environment. This can be achieved through the use of vehicles of increased environmental friendliness and energy efficiency. The study analyzes the possibility of converting shift buses used to deliver personnel involved in the development of fields in the Arctic zone to gas motor fuel using simulation models.

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