
Multi-persona has recently attracted attention for its online development and desire to realize various egos, which can be interpreted as Zhuangzi’s “Hua (化)” and Deleuze’s “Becoming”. Showing a different appearance from the real self in a virtual space can be compared to Zhuangzi becoming a butterfly in his dream, or “Wuhua (物化)”. And in reality, the move to realize a multi-persona can be found in the emergence of “BONKE (Main character)” and “BUKE (Alternate character)”. This can be understood as “Xinghua (形化)” that changes the appearance according to Zhuangzi’s mind. Now that he expresses his multi-persona by wearing different masks tailored to the situation in a virtual or real space, Zhuangzi and Deleuze are talking about the fact that even if they change many masks, the person inside the mask is “me”.

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