
The study of philosophy of law is called jurisprudence. The evolution of jurisprudence manifests the interests of society, culture and religion. All jurisprudential systems of the world fit to this assertion and possess different characteristics. If one system is based on collective interests of society, the other depicts the individuality in its essence. Some jurisprudential systems aim at worldly pleasure and luxuries while the others just focus on the Hereafter. In contrast, Islam is a balanced religion that focuses on the benefits of both individuals and society and the benefits of the world and the Hereafter. Every commandment of Allah Almighty is based on Maṣlaḥah either expressed or implied. Islamic jurists have maintained the same spirit in the derivation of aḥkām. This paper aims to explore the work of Mufti Amjad ‘Alī A‘ẓamī in order to highlight the salient features of his work in accordance with Maṣāliḥ ‘Ibād. It also throws light on his efforts to maintain the pace of Islamic jurisprudence with the contemporary world.

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