
Purpose. In article is organized analysis of the influence state of working circulation pump on economy of the systems low-potential complex and on the general economy of the work heat and atomic power stations. The organized analysis of the field-performance data of the systems low-potential complex Zaporozhskoy NPS in cut of the year, which has shown that as criterion to economy of the work low-potential complex can be accepted importance of the increase the production to powers of the compartment of steam turbine to power stations. Methodology. On the grounds of mathematical modeling main dependencies, which characterize efficiency of the functioning the systems low-potential complex. Results. The certain reserve energysave at increasing of efficiency of the functioning the systems low-potential complex. So total value of the losses to disposable energy in low-potential complex for energyblock HPS power 300–1200 MWt forms 7–8 % for systems of the water-supply with water-chiller and evaporation and 8–10 % for systems with radiator are determined. The organized analysis of the experimental features energyblock 300 MWt Zmievskoy HPS and is determined dependency of the pressure pair is in capacitor from the temperature circulation water and consumption pair under fixed consumption circulation water. Analytical dependencies, which allow coming from the known importance of the consumption pair, the temperature circulation water and desired pressure in capacitor to define the necessary consumption cooling water, under which will are provided given parameters are brought. Practical value. Comparative feature to energy efficiency of the functioning the system turbine-capacitor coming from features gain powers of the turbine for concrete consumption pair and dependencies of the consumption circulation water from consumed powers circulation pump will built. The broughted model of management system low-potential complex on criterion of the optimum of the consumption circulation water, under which total losses to energy will be minimum. On the grounds of afore-cited theoretical position

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