
The government of President Park Chung-hee, which dispatched the Korean Forces to the Vietnam War, organized and dispatched ‘University Student Consolation Corps for the Korean Forces’ to Vietnam from 1966 to 1969. The University Student Consolation Corps for the Korean Forces had the main purpose of promoting the legitimacy and achievements of the Vietnam War dispatch and the Park Chung-hee government’s national modernization project. Through this, the Park Chung-hee government tried to prevent the university community from arguing against dispatching the Korean Forces to the Vietnam War and to tame the university students who had threatened the very existence of the regime. In the late 1960s, e University Student Consolation Corps for the Korean Forces continuously conveyed their experiences to the university community through various records. Looking at the contents, there were many parts that acknowledged the legitimacy and achievements of the Vietnam War dispatch and the national modernization project. However, The University Student Consolation Corps for the Korean Forces caused various noises in its organization and activity process. As time went on, the university community’s interest in the University Student Consolation Corps for the Korean Forces decreased. Even in their records, several cracks continued to be made against the intentions of the Park Chung-hee government. Vietnam, a space of ‘Hot War’, directly experienced by the University Student Consolation Corps for the Korean Forces, clearly revealed the cracks by visualizing parts that are seen as ‘abnormality’ or ‘impairment’ that are difficult for Koreans to easily understand. In the midst of the conflict between acclimation and cracks, Korean university students did not voice their opposition to the Korean Forces dispatch throughout the Vietnam War, but neither did they actively support it.

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