
Aviation noise is a collective concept that includes noise from the operation of aircraft power plants, aerodynamic flows formed during the operation of aircraft engines, and means of airfield technical support. The main source of noise at the airport — aircraft (their power plants, compressors, air conditioners), as well as mobile means of airfield mainte-nance mounted on the basis of heavy trucks. In the technical and operational part, noise sources are special equipment, test stands and sites for testing engines after repair and maintenance work. Characteristic features of the aircraft noise: high intensity (over 100 dB), broadband in the audio range, presence of an infrasound component in the spectrum, cyclical action during the flight shift (8–12 hours). The analysis of working conditions shows that specialists of the engineering and aviation service are exposed to uncompensated noise in their workplaces. They can be divided into 3 groups according to the nature of the noise impact (the total duration of the noise action per shift, the noise level). To ensure labor safety in accordance with the Federal documents, the aircraft must be provided with personal protective equipment against noise. According to the location three groups of personal protective equipment against noise are outlined: hearing organs (block the air path of sound propagation) — anti-noise headphones, earbuds; heads (block the air and bone path of sound propagation) — anti-noise helmet; torsos (protect the thoracic and abdominal organs) — anti-noise vest. When choosing personal protection equipment against noise, you must focus on the following criteria: aircraft specialty, type of the aircraft, place of work (parking at the airport, premises and stands of the technical and operational part, sites for testing engines after repair and adjustment works, maintenance of airfield technical support), duration and actual sound pressure level. This approach allows optimizing the choice of personal noise protection equipment for each of the three groups of specialists of the civil aviation engineering service. 

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