
Целью работы является установление закономерностей связи между параметрами потоков, состоящих из людей с ограниченными возможностями передвижения. Рассматриваются исследования эвакуации пациентов и персонала из здания поликлинического корпуса. Последовательно отображаются методы исследования и обработанные с помощью математической статистики эмпирические данные. Приведены различия между полученными данными и нормативными документами. The technical regulations on fire safety provide for the need to ensure in buildings and facilities for various purposes an individual fire risk level below 10-6 per year. At the same time: “Escape routes should not include elevators ...”. In these conditions the psychophysiological qualities and physical condition of patients determine the possibility of their timely and unhindered evacuation. The specifics of the physical capabilities of the main functional contingent of patients in buildings of medical institutions determined the need for special full-scale observations of the human flows movement in order to establish scientifically reasoned patterns of interaction principles between their parameters, likely during evacuation in emergency situations, in particular, in case of fire. The article considers the oldest (1773) medical multi-specialty institution in Russia - M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute. A full-scale observation of people evacuation along horizontal paths and stairs from the polyclinic buildings was carried out to define the calculated values of human flows parameters. The methodology of full-scale observations during training evacuation is described. Interaction principles between the flow parameters during evacuation were established. The classification of traffic conditions is made. There is given the comparison of values describing the interaction principles between the parameters of human flows in normalization and in the obtained empirical data. Instead of the same speeds of free movement along the horizontal path and down the stairs, the studied population has almost identical threshold values of the flow density when moving along these types of path: D = 1.08 people / m. This indicates the identical very high sensitivity (1/D) of the sensor system with limited mobility to flow density changes on these types of path.

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