
Near-field magnetic communication (NFMC) has unique characteristics, such as secrecy,communication channel security, the ability to pass a signal through the vast majority of obstacleswithout significant attenuation. NFMC can be used in such use cases where traditional radio isimpossible. One of the tasks in which the use of NFMC is relevant is to provide reliable wireless communication for rescuers, firefighters, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations whenperforming their professional activities in the conditions of blockages caused by various destructionsof urban buildings. It should be noted that under such conditions, the conductivity of buildingmaterials and soil can affect the propagation of not only electric, but also magnetic fields. The factis that due to the conductivity of such materials, when using radio coupling, eddy currents arise inthe materials, which leads to the appearance of a secondary magnetic field that is in antiphase.The system under consideration is not subject to the effects described above. This article presentsthe results of experimental studies aimed at studying the interference environment in the NFMCchannel. Field experiments were carried out to measure the interference environment. Based onthe data obtained, it was concluded that the use of NFMC systems in urban environments is a ratherdifficult task due to the nature of the interference propagating in the channel of this type ofcommunication. The effective use of NFMC requires the development of receiving devices thatprovide sufficiently strong filtering of signals outside the selected band. Narrow band and highorder filtering is key priority of observed communication system.

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