
The Doctrine of Eschatology has always been the core issue among world religions. The Concept of Resurrection, being essential element of the doctrine of Eschatology, had been expounded by world religions in different way. Some are of the view that there is no resurrection at all, while other perceives it as reunion of soul and body after death and transmigration of soul as per actions being performed in previous life. The aim of research study is to expound the concept of belief in resurrection and its impact on human life. Various Textual and empirical evidences are analyzed to comprehend the concept of resurrection and its necessity. It is found that Islamic teachings have discussed the doctrine of resurrection in detail. Since Allah SWT is the Omnipotent, so it is not difficult for Him to reunite the segregated soul and flesh, as He created it from non-existence. The study showed that behavior, attitude, and actions of those who believe and of those who don’t believe in doctrine of resurrection are quite different. It is concluded that belief in resurrection makes human as a responsible being, consequently, his/her actions and attitude creates a positive impact on his/her behavior towards others and by large on humanity as well. Contrary to this, the actions of those who don’t believe in resurrection results negative impact on human behavior and actions.

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