
Over the years of the existence of echography in Japan and the English-speaking countries, a large number of atlases and a manual textbookы where the authors describe the echo anatomy of the mammary glands have been published. The rapid technological growth has led to the fact that the echo anatomy of the mammary glands described on the basis of equipment from the 80s-90s does not correspond to the capabilities of modern ultrasonic devices. There was a need to clarify and detail the echographic image of the mammary glands, taking into account the possibilities of a new generation of 10–12 MHz high-frequency, and also upon the use of the new Doppler techniques. The anatomical structures of the mammary glands are clearly differentiated using modern ultrasound equipment. The breast tissue is normally varied widely and depends on the ratio of fat, connective and glandular tissue. The USM allows visualizing the tomographic section of the image of a fragment of the mammary gland from the skin cover to the chest wall. Key words: breast glande, ultrasonography, dopрlerography, US-sensor.

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