
The article presents the results of theoretical and experimental research on an alternative hypothesis regarding the factors of occupational deformation among the most risks for the formation of this phenomenon of professions in departments and services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. The study and analysis of one of the latest publications in a collective format shows that the professional activities of law enforcement agencies are unique, as the performance of official duties is carried out in situations with unpredictable results, with extreme mental, physical overload and risk associated with increased responsibility. Employees for their actions, communication with various categories of citizens, often requires decisive action, and so on. This can potentially have a significant impact on the personal characteristics of law enforcement personnel and can lead to the development of occupational deformities. Thus, the analyzed sources from recent publications indicate that occupational deformity as a negative phenomenon is understood as one that occurs due to low preparation for work or due to excessive enthusiasm for the profession as a subjective group of factors. In this case, the objective group of factors is considered as a direct influence of environmental conditions. Previous factors have been overlooked. Including the educational environment of a specific institution of higher education. This confirms the relevance and indicates the scientific and practical novelty of this area of research.The expediency of the research in the form a pilot of experiment to determine the educational environment of higher education institutions with specific learning conditions, which are subject to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine as a factor of future professional deformation in a graduate who continues to work after graduation. Processing of empirical data by mathematical methods with the subsequent interpretation and generalization formed the conclusion that a significant part of cadets tends to master the future standards of professional activity, to form a negative attitude to future activities. The pilot experiment showed the fact that already at the stage of an adept in the career, the future specialist is able to absorb certain professional standards of future activities, and a significant part does it almost without critical analysis. Therefore, we can say that there is a need for a broader and more specific study of socio-psychological, pedagogical and other features of the educational environment of higher education institutions with specific learning conditions as a factor in the formation of professional deformation in the future specialist.This can be a particularly powerful factor in the formation of occupational deformities in the future. It is concluded that the learning environment, especially with specific learning conditions, is able to form a predisposition to occupational deformity in advance or to lay the foundation for immunity to it. This requires further research in the form of a basic experiment.

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