
The purpose of the article is to study the process of the recognition of the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia and the proclamation of Levon the Magnificent as king, and the role of the papal seat of Rome and the Holy Empire in it. In our work, we have set the task of highlighting the details of the process of recognition of the Kingdom of Cilicia and the role of the representatives of the papal seat. Among the methods used are the historical-analytical method and the method of analysing contemporary scientific literature. The research undertaken allowed to draw the following conclusions. The establishment of the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia took place under difficult international conditions, in which the Armenian clergy of Cilicia played an active role. The visits of Armenian delegations to Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire, and a number of Western European countries, as well as the position and steps taken by the Armenian clergy regarding the change of religious issues, played an important role in the creation of the Armenian state. The role played by Archbishop Nerses of Lambrona was of particular importance. Levon B. Rubinyan was apointed the Armenian King of Cilicia by the representative of the Roman Catholic Church, Archbishop Konrad Wittelsbach of Mainz, as well as by Armenian Catholicos Grigor Apirat. All diocesan leaders and high-ranking clergy of the Armenian state of Cilicia were present at the coronation ceremony.

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