
Today application of combined-cycle technologies is a promising solution for implementing environmentally clean generation of electricity and heat. Due to the re-use of gas combustion energy, the efficiency of a combined-cycle power plant (CCPP) is essentially higher than that of conventional steam power units (SPU). Natural gas, a substance featuring high calorific value and environmental friendliness of its application, is used as the main fuel for a CCPP. The introduction of combined cycle technologies in the energy sector of Mongolia will make it possible to solve a number of key problems and to make a shift to a new development level of the country's economy. However, CCPPs need gaseous fuel for their operation, and only limited reserves of this fuel are available in Mongolia. The main energy fuel of the country is coal, the geological reserves of which are estimated at 150 billion tons. The integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) technology will help solve the problem of using coal as a fuel which is synthesized into gas. To ensure wide use of IGCC power plants in the territory of Mongolia, methods for processing solid fuel into artificial fuel gas are required. Synthesis gas, the product of solid fuel processing in the course of its gasification, will become the produced artificial fuel. The article considers the process circuit solutions that make it possible to achieve better energy efficiency and environmental friendliness of power generation at power facilities through the use of IGCC power plants. Calculated and analytical investigations of using solid fuel for IGCC power plants by producing and combusting synthesis gas in a gas turbine are carried out. Recommendations for constructing IGCC power units for the conditions of Mongolia have been developed.

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