
The article underlines the interest to using gas fuel in diesel engines of the coastal fishing vessels. If the change to liquefied natural gas is limited by the lack of bunkering capabilities in the Russian ports, using compressed gas has become widespread in transport and in the household. A number of gas fueling stations are already available for this purpose. It seems reasonable to start the conversion of the port fleet to compressed gas from using the motor gas bottling equipment for that purpose. It is important to evaluate the change in engine performance parameters when converting to compressed gas. Compressed gas is a mixture of gases such as propane, ethane, butane, methane, etc. There is given the percentage of each gas content, according to GOST. The quantitative composition of the pure compressed gas combustion outcomes, as well as the gas ignited by the ignition diesel fuel was determined by the oxidation reactions of the chemical elements of which they consist, as well as by oxygen from air. As a result of regression analysis applied to define the properties of water vapor and gases, there have been derived linear and quadratic approximating dependences of the heat capacities of gases (CO2, N2) and water vapor (H2O) on temperature. There have been obtained the equations for determining the heat capacity of the combustion products of compressed gas for fuel grade A and B. There have been produced the formulas for determining heat capacity of pure combustion products of compressed gas ignited by the ignition diesel fuel. The obtained expressions are recommended to be used for analysis of the working cycle of a diesel engine running on the compressed gas.


  • The article underlines the interest to using gas fuel in diesel engines of the coastal fishing vessels

  • If the change to liquefied natural gas is limited by the lack of bunkering capabilities in the Russian ports, using compressed gas has become widespread in transport and in the household

  • The quantitative composition of the pure compressed gas combustion outcomes, as well as the gas ignited by the ignition diesel fuel was determined by the oxidation reactions of the chemical elements of which they consist, as well as by oxygen from air

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И если перевод на сжиженный природный газ ограничивается неразвитостью бункеровочных возможностей в портах России, то использование компримированного газа получило довольно широкое распространение в автомобилях и быту. Получены выражения для определения теплоемкости продуктов сгорания компримированного газа для топлива марки «А» и марки «Б». Представлены формулы определения теплоемкости для «чистых» продуктов сгорания компримированного газа, поджигаемого запальным дизельным топливом. В. Расчет теплоемкости продуктов сгорания компримированного газового топлива марок «А» и «Б» в дизелях // Вестник. Но в настоящее время довольно широкое распространение получило использование сжатого (компримированного) газового топлива в автомобильных двигателях и бытовой технике, топлива марок «А» и «Б» [1]. Но перевод существующих двигателей портового флота на газ вызовет некоторое изменение рабочего процесса по сравнению с существующей работой на дизельном топливе. Отсутствуют необходимые для расчета рабочего процесса дизеля формулы определения теплоемкости продуктов сгорания компримированного газа

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