
The relevance of the chosen direction of research is due to the constant interest of the scientific legal community in various aspects of the legitimization of power in various historical periods. The problem of legal forms of the exercise of power allows us to single out one of these aspects, which is associated with the motives for social transformations in transitional periods of the socio-economic development of society. The October Revolution led to a change in the socio-economic system, and the stability of Soviet power was determined not only by the support of the masses, but also by the state of the economy. However, many industrial enterprises, due to the actions of the owners, were under the threat of cessation of production or closure. The purpose is to show what reasons and legal grounds led to the adoption of acts of confiscation and nationalization of enterprises in post-revolutionary Russia. Methods - historical-legal, concrete-historical, legal logic, inductive-deductive analysis. Based on scientific research and archival sources, some of which are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, it is assumed that the socio-political activity of labor collectives at many enterprises manifested itself in appeals to authorities, which gave sociological reasons for the adoption of decrees and resolutions on the confiscation of enterprises and accelerating the process of nationalization of industry. In addition to them, ideological, political and situational (associated with the alienation of local property without the sanctions of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars) reasons stand out. The legal grounds for the adoption of such acts are constitutional, legislative acts, including the regulation on worker control, and protocol decisions of authorized bodies.

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