
The main trends in changing the land use structure in the territory of the Klyazma River basin were de-scribed in the article. Using GIS technologies and remote sensing data the areas of land with different land use regimes in the studied territory were determined in the period from 2001 to 2019. The indices of LAI and FPAR phytoproductivity for the territory of the Klyazma basin as a whole, and for each basin included in it were determined. The analysis of the dynamics of changes occurring in the structure of land use is carried out. For the territory of Vladimir region, which is a part of the Klyazma River basin, an assessment of soil types distribution over occupied area was carried out. An integral indicator of soil fertility was calcu-lated on the basis of statistical data of agrochemical indicators. The fraction of fallow lands decreased by 2019 and it amounts 33.76% of the total area of the studied territory. The fraction of mixed forests increased from 38.48% in 2001 to 44.50% in 2019 due to the formation of fast-growing tree species shoots on fallow lands. The area of meadow vegetation for the period from 2015 to 2019 decreased by 3.5%, from 4 276 to 3 121 km2, due to agriculture degradation and a significant decrease in livestock grazing. The indicator of soil fertility for the Klyazma basin was 0.74, which is a high indicator. It is established that the most active decrease in the agricultural land area occurs in the central, north-western and western parts of the river basin.

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