
The secretion of most hormones obeys biological cyclicity and, if it is violated, approaches to the level, that determines the development of pathological processes. To prevent them, it is important to take into account not only the effects of the stress-implementing system, but also the state of the components of the stress-limiting system. The lack of specificity about endocrine shifts under conditions of light desynchronosis determined the expediency of an experimental study of the hormonal status of stress systems. Research methods. The experiment was carried out on 48 white male rats, which was divided into 4 equal groups: control and three experimental. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd experimental groups of animals were under round-the-clock artificial lighting during 1, 10 and 21 days respectively. Animals of the control group (4th) were kept in natural light conditions. The activity of stress-limiting and stress-realizing systems was assessed by blood serum ELISA for the concentration of ACTH, melatonin, and beta-endorphin. In blood smears, the number of catecholamine granules per 100 erythrocytes was counted in 10 fields of view. Research results. On the 1st day of the experiment, there was an increase of catecholamines and ACTH, a decrease of beta-endorphin in comparison with the control values. The corticotropin of the 2nd and 3rd experimental groups underwent only slight fluctuations. The 10th day is also characterized by a statistically significant increase in the content of catecholamines in comparison with individuals of the control group. When assessing changes after 21 days of dark deprivation, a significant sharp increase in the concentration of catecholamines and a drop in the level of melatonin were noted. The discussion of the results. In the experiment, a phased development of hormonal changes in stress systems is observed, which corresponds to the stages of OSA, which is due to a violation of melatonin rhythms. The use of the L / L lighting model has a pronounced negative effect on the state of the body as a whole and leads to a breakdown of the mechanisms of the stress-limiting system. The results of the experiment allow us to conclude that light desynchronosis is a risk factor for pathologies of the neuroendocrine system, which necessitates a more detailed study of this topic in order to develop measures to prevent the development of stress and associated diseases of adaptation.

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