
The use of geographic information systems (GIS) is widespread in water resources management. One of the development stages in this area was the use of GIS information not only for matching and executing queries, but also for analyzing trends and making decisions using applications that provide spatial analysis. GIS provides the ability to process spatial information and represent it using a similar reality model that represents spatial features from a point, line, and polygon, and thematic information. Spatial analysis in GIS includes a set of procedures used to study the structure and territorial relations based on knowledge of the position and characteristics of geographical features of the corresponding variables. Subject: delineation of areas for potential location of dams with the use of geospatial algorithms for distance. The research is based on the hypothesis that from geospatial analysis of the distances between peaks extracted from the .shp layers of rivers and areas of great importance for protection, it is possible to delineate potential areas for dam construction. Materials and methods: literature sources and results of preliminary experimental studies are analyzed, experimental planning is carried out. Results: This study examines the use of algorithms for processing distances between points used in the field of service geography, in connection with the use of localization and distribution models. To do this, algorithms are compared using criteria such as processing time, the ability to create new layers, and creating tables of distances between objects belonging to different layers. Conclusions: This evaluation is performed in order to select the most appropriate algorithm for selecting suitable points that can be evaluated in future analysis of localization and dam construction.

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