
Russian armed aggression against Ukraine has intensified research by Ukrainian scientists related to the development of weapons and military equipment and increasing the effectiveness of its combat use. The first months of the war showed that aviation and rocket troops and artillery are one of the key elements in the conduct of most large-scale operations in order to repulse the enemy and destroy his manpower and weapons and military equipment. In order to achieve the necessary results in carrying out various types of military operations, it becomes necessary to constantly make decisions on the use of certain troops (forces), means of destruction in order to destroy the enemy and inflict such losses on him, contributing to the achievement of the main goal of the operation. One of the important issues in the study of the problems of the optimal use of weapons is the solution of problems of target distribution of different content. For example, distribution over homogeneous or heterogeneous targets, protected or not protected, etc. The most relevant for research is the solution of the problem of distributing homogeneous means of attack over a set of objects of destruction, taking into account their degree of protection. Therefore, in the article, the authors propose one approach to the distribution of homogeneous weapons over the totality of enemy objects, taking into account the risks of hitting one's own weapons and the coefficients of importance of enemy objects in case of defeat. The proposed methodological approach is based on a mathematical model of decision-making on the defeat of enemy targets under conditions of risk, that is, their active countermeasures. Further prospects for research on the topic of the article include the need for practical implementation of the proposed approach in the form of calculation programs, as well as the search for the possibility of adapting it to the decision-making environment under conditions of uncertainty. Keywords: means of destruction, means of counteraction, mathematical programming, probability of defeat, weapons and military equipment, decision-making under risk.

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