
Purpose. The article presents research of the images of Siberian Tatars’ leaders who were restoration adherents of the Tatar Khanate of Sibir, reproduced on miniatures of the Brief Siberian Kungurian Chronicle. Despite the drawings having been created a few decades after those lands, which had been part of the Tatar Khanate of Sibir, were annexed by the Czardom of Russia, these images very clearly illustrate representations of contemporaries of the appearance of Siberian Tatar rulers and warlords during the historical period of struggle for conservation of the Western Siberian steppe and forest-steppe lands as part of the Siberian Tatars’ State. These drawings represent depictions of significant historical episodes of connections between restoration adherents of the Tatar Khanate of Sibir with the Russian Cossacks and several Turkic and Mongolian people, who inherited contiguous steppe territories of the Central Asian historical and cultural region. Results. Certain historical events, illustrating an armed confrontation of Siberian Tatars, who supported Kuchum Khan in the struggle for conservation of the Siberian Tatars’ State, against military troops of the Oirats and Nogais are considered and analyzed. The studied images can serve as an important informative pictorial source on history of accession of former possessions of the Tatar Khanate of Sibir to the Russian State. It is highly probable that several artists took part in creating this set of drawings, depicting the primary events of the Western Siberian military campaign of the Cossacks’ troop, led by ataman Yermak. This argument is supported by certain stylistic differences between several drawings, included in the Brief Siberian Kungurian Chronicle. For the last years these drawings have been repeatedly published, facilitating their focused scientific study. Results. Despite the considered drawings having been created much later than the events depicted on them, they serve as an important informative source on the history of the Western Siberian campaign of the Cossacks’ troop, led by ataman Yermak. Conclution. These drawings provide a clear overview of many historical events which took place during that period.

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