
A comprehensive analysis of the spiritual and moral qualities of the holy blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky, who is rightfully one of the most outstanding personalities in the history of the Russian State and the Russian Orthodox Church, is carried out. Based on the biographical data of the prince, the unique combination of the wisdom of a statesman with personal righteousness is emphasized. Duke Alexander refused to both letters from the Pope, who proposed organizing a mass conversion of Russians to Catholicism. His uncompromising position on the defense of Orthodoxy should be put on a par with military victories on the Neva and Lake Peipus. In relations with the Golden Horde, the prince chose the tactics of negotiations, which became fateful for the future history of Russia. Thus, for Alexander Nevsky, a new stage of service to the Fatherland began, no longer on the battlefield, but in the diplomatic field. It must be said that the Horde was an organized military force, but it was mainly concerned with collecting tribute from the Russians. The tactics chosen by the prince were completely justified, since the Horde khans had no religious goals and did not appoint governors in the occupied lands. With glorious military victories in the West and thoughtful behavior in the East, the holy noble Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky laid the foundation for the future development of the state, which preserved the Orthodox faith as the spiritual and moral support of the people, gradually gaining spiritual and military power, growing in the expanses of the Volga region, Ural, Siberia and became the largest and most powerful power in the world.

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