
This study aims at focusing on the change that occurred in the morphological and demographic characteristics of the population of the Jerusalem governorate during the period from 1997-2022, and its impact on the housing situation, and to identify the indicators of the housing problem and its impact on the residents of the Jerusalem governorate, especially the Holy City.
 Among the most important results: that since the occupation's control over Jerusalem in 1967, it has been practicing a series of continuous policies and procedures aimed at creating a Jewish majority in the city, and fragmenting Palestinian lands, starting with settlement projects, the apartheid wall, and complete control over the city. Classified Area C and other actions.
 The Palestinian urban expansion collides with the accelerating colonial colonialism, which is practiced by the occupation in order to fragment the Palestinian lands. This affected the morphology of the urban environment and exacerbated the housing crisis. It seems that political détente is a prerequisite for improving the economic situation and housing development.
 Despite the ongoing Judaization policy in Jerusalem, the Palestinians in Old Jerusalem constitute an absolute majority of 91.4%, compared to 8.6% for the Israeli occupiers, and the percentage of the Palestinian population in East Jerusalem exceeded 60.42%, compared to 39.58% for the Israeli settlers.
 Among the most important recommendations: that the difficult reality in the governorate of Jerusalem and the city of Jerusalem and its suburbs requires smart and rational initiatives and strategies by Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims to face challenges through political pressure on the occupation to stop its occupational procedures, and reinforce the steadfastness of the Palestinians by maintaining their demographic superiority, and solving various problems facing the Palestinians; By developing the institutional and professional capacity of the various sectors of sustainable development.

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