
The problem and the goal. The article analyses the main problems that arise during the development of new educational programmes (EPs) at the university when switching over to the federal state educational standards of new generation 3++. The goal is to find a solution to these problems, which will allow the use of the renewal of the EPs to improve the quality of training graduates. The research methodology involves the systematic comparative study of professional standards and the federal state educational standards of new generation as well as the rationale for choosing the correct approach aimed at improving the learning process. The research results include the selection and justification of ways to solve the problems of using professional standards when designing the educational programmes. Conclusion. The article identifies the main problems that require addressing by the developers of new educational programmes for the university. In this case, the purpose of developing a new EP should be to improve the quality of graduates training. The article provides the rationale for the transition to standards 3++ in order to achieve this goal.

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