
Today we can observe leak of hepatopro-tective agents, which increase the resistance of the liver to the damage by chemical agents and stabilize their metabolism in cases of tension detoxifying function, to-gether with a high need in them. The goal of this article was to find out the harmless-ness of the hepatoprotector “Hepaton” in laboratory conditions. For the experiment, were organized 8 groups, either for experiment and for con-trol, of rodents (rats), which include 10 animals each (both genders). Biochemical and hematological analyzes were ran out before the injection of the drug, 90 and 180 days after start of the experiment. Blood was obtained by puncture of the tail vein or (at the end of the study) after simultaneous guillotination. It should be mentioned that on the 90th and 180th day of the experiment, there was a mild, but statistically significant increase in the amount of hemoglobin, the absolute number of erythrocytes, a partial absolute and relative increase in count of white blood cells and platelets of peripheral blood. Blood clotting tests parameters for the whole observation period in experimental animals didn’t significantly differ from those at the start and in the control groups.

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