
Introduction.The article deals with aspects of the professional preparedness of future social workers for the prevention of sexual demoralization of youth.The purposeemphasis is placed on the fact that the basis of preventive measures is the timely detection of negative psycho-pedagogical and information and organization factors.Results. The author stresses that in order to adhere to the norms, one must necessarily know them, correctly understand and be able to implement them responsibly. The enumerated factors are the criteria for deviations from the norm. Their absence or presence can establish the norm with the definition of their consequences for the society. Specifying the context of the initiated research, the article outlines the main professional roles that are being performed by a social worker.They are a consult-ant, proofreader, mentor, manager, etc. A social worker must provide a subjective and positive impact onthe personality of a young person. Methods. It is advisable to use effective preventive measures at a personal level: counseling, explanations, personal development trainings, target-oriented conversations, special treatment, etc.Originality. In this case, the constructive task of social-preventive work is the following: to prevent the occurrence of deviations of sexual behavior; direct the ideas of the young man on the moral-right attitude and understanding of sexual life; assist in mastering the fundamentals of sexual culture, taking into account the change in the negative factors that provoked the emergence of intentions to commit immoral or destructive behavior. Conclusion. Summarizing the above-mentioned, the author concluded that the state of spiritual and moral decay of some young people requires the implementation of decisive social and preventive measures. These measures include sexual education with a view to preventing sexual demoralization and raising the level of sexual culture of modern youth.Sex education should be a process of systematic and overall influence on the pupils’consciousnessin order to develop socially adequate, gender behavior with elements of sexual culture

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