
Theoretical and practical aspects of the formation and development of common economy in the world and Ukraine are considered and the economic nature of the line economy is substantiated and its socio-economic content is deepened through the prism of digital transformation that takes place in virtual reality. Purpose of the article is to substantiate the peculiarities of sharing economy in the global communication space in virtual reality, due to the development of digital technology platforms, highlighting and analyzing the benefits and risks of building business models of shared economy in Ukraine and abroad. A set of methods of empirical and theoretical research is used: methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization, which at the dialectical level of research allow to scientifically substantiate the most popular types of solutions of sharing economy, presented by structure: solutions, examples of foreign and Ukrainian digital platforms. The article used theoretical and methodological principles of an interdisciplinary approach, which includes in the analysis of socio-cultural, behavioral and institutional prerequisites for the formation of a shared economy. Based on the available data of companies that aggregate BigData, as well as consulting companies, the behavior of consumers through sharing economy in the period of digital transformation is described. Special methods of economic sciences, namely: economic-statistical, comparative and functional-structural analysis have revealed the emergence of new business models of sharing, which combine the “world of goods” and “world of services”. A historical and economic analysis of the formation of the theory of sharing, as well as the spread of row platforms. Based on the generalization of theoretical approaches to the definition of economic categories, author’s interpretation of the concepts “line economy”, “virtual reality”, “augmented reality”, “augmented reality”, “augmented reality”, “augmented reality”, “mixed reality” is formed. As a result of the research, author’s concept of sharing economy in the conditions of virtual reality is offered. It is established that the most important factor in the transition to sharing economy is the transformation of customer service. It is the customer, who differs from the consumer by active involvement in the process of forming its value proposition, today is a key player in the market. It is proved that today digital economy is fundamentally changing the ways of building and managing sharing organizations, the problems that arise can be associated primarily with changes in the object and subject of management and the development of organizations in digital environment. The advantages of sharing models in terms of the use of innovative resources in terms of stages of business project implementation are indicated. The review of the internal development of national economy of sharing type allowed to present its restraining and stimulating factors and potential opportunities and threats in the conditions of virtual reality.


  • It has been established that the introduction of digital economy in Ukraine at an initial stage should take place simultaneously in the following three directions, namely: technological, industrial and institutional-economic

  • It is argued that digital era changes approach to doing business, as well as the requirements for used information technology: marketing management systems, sales and service; telephony and messengers; systems of document circulation and personnel management; accounting systems and many other enterprise applications, which in turn once again proves that institutional changes in the economy in direction of full digitalization is a long-wave transforming process of socio-economic and avant-garde character of the development of structural units, which manifests itself in reaching the peak indicators of innovative development

  • It is concluded that digital development is characterized by revolutionary changes, and the most important result of digitalization, in modern conditions, is the automation of services

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Встановлено, що впровадження цифрової економіки в Україні на початковому етапі має відбуватися одночасно за трьома наступними напрямами, а саме: технологічним, виробничим та інституційно-економічним. Розкрито зміст новітніх цифрових продуктів та послуг (BioTech, NanoTech, BlockChain, RetailTech, FinTech, LegalTech, Digital-marketing, Grid-технології, GovTech, e-ID, TeleHealth, ePrescription, е-демократія, Digital-страхзування), які продукує цифрова економіка. “Цифровий вихор” [1] який утворюють цифрові технології, відкриває унікальні можливості для розвитку нашої економіки та підвищення якості життя громадян.

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