
The research objective includes identifying the role of reflexive activity when forming psychology students’ subjectivity and professional consciousness. The article reveals the role of reflexive activity in the formation of students’ professional subjectivity as a component of their self-consciousness, professional self-esteem and autonomy. The essential features of students’ subjectivity acquired in the process of reflexive activity are specified. Contrary to previous studies, the author focuses on revealing pedagogical conditions for reflective skills formation among future bachelors of psychology. Scientific originality of the study involves identifying pedagogical conditions for the formation of reflective skills required to proceed from spontaneous-reproductive performance of everyday professional tasks to conscious management of professional activity, and then to conscious application of professional reflection principles, creative self-realization techniques, self-diagnosis and self-regulation techniques (reflective skills). The conducted research allows identifying pedagogical conditions for reflective skills formation: criteria-based monitoring of the level of reflective skills development; imitational modelling of professional tasks-situations, which require reflective skills; stage-by-stage complication of educational tasks, so as to enrich students’ reflexive experience; stage-by-stage transfer of reflective skills acquired in simulation training to the sphere of practical psychology.

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