
The growing possibilities of using promising information technologies in the military sphere force to reconsider the traditional approaches to the use of means and methods of joint analysis of available information regarding the actions of troops (forces). The growing dynamics of the armed struggle and the large amount of information that is subject to analysis lead to the fact that a person is no longer able to analyze the necessary amount of information and make an informed decision in a very short time. Under these circumstances, there is a need to apply new technologies for managing the forces and means of the armed forces for analysis and decision-making, reflecting the situations that have developed. The relevance and necessity of creating and implementing geoinformational subsystems as a component of the information support of UACS is due to the general increase in requirements for efficiency, completeness and quality of information support of the process of managing troops (forces). Geoinformation technologies make it possible to form a unified picture of situational awareness, to develop modern methods of control and management of means of armed struggle, including unmanned and robotic complexes, to increase the transparency and efficiency of rear operations and to reduce the level of direct presence through the formation of virtually remote headquarters and other control bodies. The unified geoinformation space of the UACS of the Armed Forces should be formed as an environment (network) of interconnected geoportals, the purpose of that is to consolidate information on spatial data available in the UACS of the Armed Forces, that are processed and provided for use in the form of geoservices, as well as to create a single point of entry of users into this environment. It was determined that it’s optimal to use ESRI's ArcGIS server software as a software component.

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