
Conducting a qualitative selection of candidates for service (training) in the internal affairs bodies is one of the effective factors in reducing staff turnover. The article presents an empirical analysis of the psychological selection of candidates for service (training) Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikot: dynamics of the number of candidates entering the service (training); distribution of candidates by gender; "regional footprint" of candidates sent from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow; correlation of categories of professional psychological fitness; features of interaction of the Commission for Professional Psychological Selection with the Centers of Psychodiagnostics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; generalization of risk factors of deviant (socially dangerous) behavior; proposals for improving the professional psychological selection of candidates for service (training) in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. The author comes to the conclusion that the resources for improving professional psychological selection are: the inclusion of psychiatrists of the Centers of Psychodiagnostics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the composition of professional psychological selection Commissions; increasing the candidate selection index (the number of candidates for one vacancy) by component units and the entry barrier (passing USE points); improving the criteria for determining risk factors of deviant (socially dangerous) behavior; improvement of organizational and staff structure of psychological work units in order to save personnel and professional personnel core - creation of departments for professional psychological selection.

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