
This article discloses the system of subjects of public administration that carry out administrative and legal regulation in the field of the animal world. The author determined that the subjects of legal regulation in the field of the animal world are a system of state and non-state bodies that are endowed with state-authority powers (or such powers are delegated to them) and are authorized to apply organizational, economic, and legal measures for the protection, use, and restoration of the animal world . State management and regulation in the field of protection, use and reproduction of the animal world is carried out by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local state administrations, authorized central executive bodies in the field of protection, use and reproduction of the animal world, which include the central body of executive power that ensures the formation of state policy in the field of environmental protection, the central body of executive power that implements state policy in the field of environmental protection, the central body of executive power that implements state policy in the field of state supervision ( control) in the field of environmental protection, rational use, reproduction and protection of natural resources, the central body of executive power implementing state policy in the field of forestry and hunting, the central body of educational authorities implementing state policy in the field of fisheries, other authorized bodies of executive power in accordance with their powers and local self-government bodies. The largest number of subjects of legal regulation of the animal world belongs to the bodies of the executive power: the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine; Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine; State Environmental Inspection of Ukraine; State Agency of Fisheries of Ukraine, State Agency of Forestry of Ukraine, State Agency of Ecological Investments of Ukraine.

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