
The purpose of this article is to find effective methods for assessing and proving the functional safety of software at the station level railway control systems. Adaptation of experience and development of a common approach to the software verification process. Method. To achieve this purpose the analysis of current regulatory documents was conducted. An adaptation of the existing experience in performing the conformity assessment of information and control systems important for the safety of nuclear power plants was carried out. All this allowed to determine the general requirements and methods of evaluation of software for various purpose. Results. Based on the results of the analysis of the current normative documents, the procedure for evaluating the software of systems of various purposes has been implemented in the TCC of LTD RPI HARTRON-ARKOS. Scientific novelty. This article formulates proposals for the extension of the standards of DSTU 4178 in the part of the assessment and proof of functional safety of software at the station level railway control systems. At the same time, the general requirements and methods of evaluation of software for different purposes, given in the current standards, were taken into account. Practical importance. The proposed approach of railway system software evaluation greatly extends the requirements of DSTU 4178 and facilitates the development and implementation of new, more effective software verification methods.

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