
The changes taking place in modern society could not bypass the sphere of education. Due to the epidemiological situation in the country, most educational institutions were forced to switch to distance learning. Ideally, under the conditions of high-quality technical equipment of both teachers and each student, comprehensive development of educational and methodological support, this form of education should significantly reduce the burden on teachers, improve the quality of education. However, distance learning is new for most higher education institutions. After all, in particular, the nature and methods of joint activities of teachers and students, the ratio of didactic functions, methods and forms of teaching have changed. In this regard, there is a need to make adjustments to the learning process of each discipline, in particular requires a carefully thought-out and organized mechanism of targeted involvement of students, future teachers in the learning process using active forms of online interaction, teaching disciplines for which visualization is essential. in the learning process, personal communication, interactivity. Training of future teachers of mathematics should contribute to the formation of readiness for continuous self-education, increase the level of professional competence. Elementary mathematics belongs to those disciplines on which the methodical preparation of the future teacher of mathematics directly depends. The article considers possible options for organizing work in practical classes in elementary mathematics in terms of distance learning at the stages of diagnosing and repeating the school course through tasks in the context of methodological training. The diagnostic stage is presented through the organization of testing using the Quizizz service and further work on tasks in the mode of videoconference on the analysis and elimination of errors on the material of the topic «Quadrilaterals». The stage of actualization is presented through the task of compiling a system of tasks and building a scheme of possible subordination on the example of the topic «Coordinates. Vectors». Students are involved in active learning activities, which is important during distance learning. At the same time, through the work on the tasks there is an indirect formation of methodical skills directly on the material of the school course, and, as a result of systematic work in a given direction - the formation of components of methodical skills of future mathematics teachers.

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