
The paper considers the problem of workload distribution in a group of unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs) when monitoring a certain area in a changing environment, which has a direct impact on theonboard energy resources consumption. The stage of a monitoring problem-solving, which includes thedistribution of UAVs over scanning bands, is described here. When this stage is carried, there is noopportunity to take into account the factors of environmental impact. But these factors are crucialdue to the limited onboard energy resources. In this regard, a situation is very likely when the UAV isnot able to complete the sub-task assigned to it, which jeopardizes the completion of the entire missionof the group. To avoid this situation, it is proposed to use the technique of a decision-making onthe need to relocate the workload in a group of mobile robots (MR). The decision-making is based onthe ontological analysis procedure, which allows limiting the number of choices for workload relocation.The ontology model of the workload distribution in a group of UAVs was developed. This modeltakes into account the possibility of additional performance involvement either by means of the resourcesof neighboring UAVs, or by means of devices of the "foggy" layer. Examples of productionrules are given, on the basis of which a decision is made on the need to relocate the workload. Acomparative estimation of the resources volume involved in the implementation of two methods ofworkload relocation problem solving, depending on the frequency of changes in environmental conditions,is carried out. The results of computational experiments have shown that the method based onontological analysis is more efficient in comparison with the method based on LDG (Local DeviceGroup) in terms of the amount of resources involved. This makes it possible to increase the time of jointmission implementation by the UAV group.

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