
The paper presents results of A survey “Children about Fathers” done among College students in 2017. The most common students’ judgment proved to be that a child needs both parents. The father is to be the head of the family. Children pointed out that the father provides for the family (the role of a “breadwinner”), but the most relevant role for the father, according to them, is that of a tutor, a mentor who protects and supports his child and the whole family. The father forms with the child those character traits that the mother does not always know how to do: enterprise, independence, boldness, reserve, willpower, the ability to keep one’s word, to defend one’s point of view, courage and steadfastness. For a boy, the father gives a pattern to emulate; for a girl, he is a model of a man and of a future husband. From the children’s point of view, in a full family the true model of relations between men and women, as well as the family model are laid. Children note a change in family relations of the modern family. They point out that duty assignments have become less rigid, and the fathers cope with child’s care and other household chores as well as the mothers do. Many children show a negative attitude to divorces and to single mothers who choose to take upon themselves the child’s upbringing. At the same time, children note a decline in the irresponsible father’s authority and the unfavourable public opinion about such fathers and their fatherhood. Traditional concepts and values can be traced in the children’s views on the family.

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