
Introduction: currently, it is proved that the pathogenesis of schizophrenia is associated with the formation of chronic foci of aseptic inflammation (neuroinflammation) in the brain of patients. It is also known that chronic neuroinflammation quickly turns into systemic inflammation. Permeability of the blood-brain barrier impaired. Proinflammatory cytokines and other inflammatory factors release into the blood. Systemic inflammation leads to activation of all cells of the immune system and blood platelets. Activation of platelets is accompanied by а generation of a large number of procoagulant platelet-derived microparticles, which can cause an increase in blood clotting. Objective: to identify the impairments of thrombodynamic coagulation parameters in adults and children suffering from different forms of schizophrenia in the acute stage. Patients: the study included 3 groups of patients with schizophrenia with different type of course. Group 1: 79 patients with attack-like or progredient attack-like type of schizophrenia; group 2: 28 patients with schizotypal disorder; group 3: 28 patients with child schizophrenia. Methods: to determine the coagulation parameters, the Thrombodynamics method (TD) was used on the thrombodynamics device T-2 according to the instructions of the manufacturer of the device (Hemacore, Moscow, Russia). Results: the presence of spontaneous clots was shown in all three groups of patients. The analysis of the results of TD was carried out. For group 1 shows a significant increase of parameters Vi, Vst, V and CS. The Tsp parameter is significantly lower than normal values. For the second group, the 3 parameters, such as Vst, V and Tsp, differ significantly from the normal values. Velocity indicators are significantly higher than the norm, Tsp — below the norm. For the third group, parameters Vi, Vst, V and CS are statistically significantly higher than normal. Tsp is statistically significantly lower than normal. Conclusion: Using the thrombodynamics test (TD) it was shown that there is a hypercoagulation of blood plasma accompanied by the generation of spontaneous clots in patients with schizophrenia in the acute stage. The TD test reveals a tendency to hypercoagulation at an early stage, when other methods are not yet sensitive enough.


  • Systemic inflammation leads to activation of all cells of the immune system and blood platelets

  • Activation of platelets is accompanied by а generation of a large number of procoagulant platelet-derived microparticles, which can cause an increase in blood clotting

  • Objective: to identify the impairments of thrombodynamic coagulation parameters in adults and children suffering from different forms of schizophrenia in the acute stage

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МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ речь, выполнять простые просьбы, теряли визуальный контакт. Речь претерпевала регресс по пути, обратному. Тромбодинамические показатели коагуляции у больных шизофренией c приступообразнопрогредиентной формой течения (N = 79) Table 1. Показатели скорости Vi, Vst и V, а также показатель CS статистически значимо выше нормы. Показатель Tsp статистически значимо ниже нормы, что объясняется наличием большого количества спонтанных сгустков. видно, что статистически значимо отличаются от нормы 3 показателя, такие как Vst, V и Tsp. Рис. Тромбодинамические показатели коагуляции у больных детской формой шизофрении (N = 28) Table 3. Это может свидетель- для группы детской шизофрении, сходны с данными ствовать о том, что малопрогредиентная шизофрения группы приступообразно-прогредиентной шизофре протекает легче, чем приступообразно-прогредиентная. видно, что все показатели ТД, кроме D, детская форма шизофрении по тяжести соответствуотличаются от нормы. Показатели скоростей Vi, Vst ет приступообразно-прогредиентной шизофрении и V, а также показатель CS статистически значимо выше у взрослых пациентов. Nonparametric variance analysis of the evaluation of the significance of differences in the values of TD, adjusted for multiple comparisons between the three groups of patients (Groups 1, 2 and 3)

Vi Vst V CS D Tsp
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Total Screening of the Risk of Developing Mental
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