
In granulated feed production for fermentolysis of fish stuff (anchovy ( Engraulis encrasicolus ) caught in December 2016 in the Black Sea) there was used enzymatic agent protosubtiline G3x (0.5% to a minced stuff mass) with proteolytic activity 120 items/g. Feed chemical composition has been determined: mass of nitrogenous substances - 15.7%, fat - 12.9%, water content - 7.3%. Feed organoleptic and physical parameters (grain length and size, crumbling, passing through a sieve, swelling) corresponded to the requirements of GOST R 51899-2002. Investigation of water content dynamics in feed packed in plastic bags (plastic trademark 15803-020 (CT) 40 mkm thick, GOST 16337-77) and paper bags (wrapping, unimpregnated paper, GOST 8273-75) showed that water mass fraction in the feed during storage fluctuated within 3-10% depending on type of package and terms of storage. Indices of total bacterial and mycotic semenation of feed depended on packaging, but didn’t exceed the established standards. The most intensive decrease of the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultatively-anaerobic microorganisms was registered during the first 45 days of storage; this parameter decreased 10-12 times to the expiry date. Feed microbiological safety in relation to such microorganisms as coliform bacteria, staphylococci, Proteus, spore forming anaerobic microorganisms (including sulfite-reducing clostridia) and salmonella has been proved as well as their microbiological stability of storing feed in polyethylene and paper package during 75 days. It was found that microbiological indicators of unpacked feed after 7 months storage do not exceed the norm. Concentration of plumbum, cadmium and mercury in feed also didn’t exceed the norm established for complete combined feed of productive poultry, swine, fish, fur-bearing animals, rabbits and nutria, as well as for unproductive animals.

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