
This article discusses the problems of restoring the solvency of Russian companies in the context of bankruptcy proceedings, proposes specific organizational and economic measures aimed at restoring the solvency of a corporation in the process of bankruptcy, based on the implementation of general and special corporate ac-tions, as well as the conditions and options for applying the proposed measures. As a result of the study, it was concluded that corporate governance mechanisms based on special and general organizational and economic measures, and corporate actions necessary for their implementation, can be used at various stages of bank-ruptcy of Russian companies and pursue different goals at each of them. The procedures used in insolvency (bankruptcy) cases are very complex both from a legal and economic point of view. A key problem on the way to restoring the solvency of any corporation and preventing its bankruptcy is coordinating the interests of all participants of corporate relations, as well as other persons involved in this process. Solely on the basis of a mutually acceptable agreement between the members of the corporation and its controlling persons (bankrupt-cy creditors, authorized bodies, external senators), the measures required to restore solvency can be imple-mented.

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