
In this study, Azerbaijani, Russian and Uzbek proverbs and sayings in the form of “evvel-akhir” (samples that begin and end with the same letter) characteristic of Turkic versification are studied. It should be noted that “evvel-akhyr” is one of the special cases of assonance and alliteration / consonance. It is known that assonance is a multiple repetition of sim-ilar vowel sounds in poetic speech, alliteration is a repetition of similar consonant sounds in poetic speech, and there are no rules of repetition of consonant and vowel sounds here. They can be found at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the text. However, the stylistic technique of versification “evvel-akhyr” differs from assonance and alliteration. Despite the fact that here too consonants and vowels are repeated, but they occur not only in the middle of the phrase, but necessarily at the beginning and end. For example, in the Uzbek proverb: “Avval ўйла, keyin сўйла” the pro-verbial verse begins and ends with the vowel sound [a]. It should be noted that proverbs forming rhyme at the beginning and end of proverbial verse in Azerbaijani, Russian and Uzbek languages are considered for the first time in a comparative plan. And this testifies to the relevance and scientific novelty of the research. Studies show that there are enough examples of “evvel-akhir” in Azerbaijani, Russian and Uzbek proverbs. And this testifies to the richness of thought of our ancestors, indicates their spiritual and ar-tistic wealth, global ideas and aesthetics, greatness of all three languages, deep intelligence of peoples and their inclination to poetry, sharpness of memory philosophy of all three peoples.

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