
The article considers a new methodology for specialist training in the field of microprocessor control systems based on filling an educational process with jobs of real practical content which’re performed by project team in the conditions of the access absence to a laboratory equipment. The matter is that during the study of theoretical disciplines of technical trend, practical classes, fulfilled in the form of laboratory works, are aimed at fundamental knowledge confirmation in a subject area by the way of experiment conduction, at that, experiments themselves can be organized not only on a laboratory equipment but also in modeling programs. The stated goals for theoretical information backing are achieved by fulfillment laboratory work and subsequent defense. Together, in training programs for specialists in applied technical spheres, for example, in the program of specialist preparation on "Control in technical systems" course, it’s provided the study of disciplines in which practical content prevails over theoretical one. Thus, for example, in the course "Electronics and fundamentals of microprocessor technology", it’s taught a necessary theoretical basis for the discipline "Microprocessor devices of control systems", and in the program itself of the pointed discipline, it’s provided the study of device construction approaches with the use of universal microprocessors and microcontrollers as well as of programming basics of them. Namely that is why in the curriculum of "Microprocessor devices of control systems" discipline, there’re provided not laboratory but practical works which in the course, students, performing tasks, program microcontrollers which interact with external devices in simple but functionally complete control devices. However, a laboratory equipment turns out to be unavailable during distance learning that predetermined the search for alternative forms of organization of practical works out-of-door of a university. The search for a suitable solution, besides the solution of laboratory equipment unavailability problem, led to the possibility to organize practical works with the use of a management project method.

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