
The purpose of the study is to offer for consideration the stoic concepts of the ancient philosophical school of the stoics in the modern aspect of applying its foundations and ideals in the process of forming the value-semantic orientations of cadets of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The article deals with the creation of pedagogical conditions for the formation of a value-semantic orientation in the training of cadets of the educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in conjunction with the heritage of ancient philosophical thought, a brief history of stoicism as a direction of philosophical thought of antiquity, the basic principles of stoic ethics, their relevance at the present time and their possible application in the formation of the value-semantic sphere in the training of future law enforcement officers, attention is focused on the loss of value orientations in the post-Soviet era, on the need to develop pedagogical conditions that contribute to the formation of a morally mature personality. Scientific novelty lies in the study of the issue of introducing the heritage of the philosophical thought of the Hellenistic period of antiquity into the modern educational and educational process in order to form spiritual and moral values among students. As a result, interrelated elements have been identified that actualize the application of the philosophical tradition of antiquity in the modern aspect of the formation of a morally stable personality, through the development of moral guidelines, a necessary element of which is the creation of pedagogical conditions that contribute to the formation of value-semantic orientations when teaching cadets of an educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

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