
The constant renewal and growth of the number of tourism destinations and types of tourist services, changing consumer preferences, increasing competition in the market force us to turn to innovative marketing technologies, as traditional ones lose their effectiveness. Given the fact that tourists often choose a travel package with a unique set of services, as an important aspect of travel for people are emotions, impressions, and unique feelings, the study chose psychological methods, techniques, technologies, and tools of neuromarketing (neural marketing) to involve consumers in the market of tourist services by influencing their behavior. In particular, the article focuses on theoretical and applied aspects of the use of neuromarketing technologies to influence consumer decision-making in the travel services market through the impact on visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, and tactile sensory systems. It was found that marketers, in particular in the field of tourism, most often use visual and auditory methods of influence, but now is becoming increasingly popular aroma marketing and marketing of taste, which affects the sense of smell and taste buds. All these methods affect the associative memory of a person and this further helps to create a permanent customer base and attract new consumers. Attention is paid to highlighting the specifics of the influence of color or a certain combination of colors on the human subconscious. A set of tools and technologies of neuromarketing are used in tourism to attract attention, change the mood of the tourist, and evoke the right emotions, including such as illustrations, music, flavor, taste, the atmosphere of restaurants, tastings, and others. Based on the study of the peculiarities of the use of neuromarketing (sensory marketing) technologies in tourism, the authors identified several benefits that help attract new customers and encourage them to make purchases.

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