
The article is devoted to the important role of writing as one of kinds of speech activity. Writing is considered as a preparatory stage of formation of students' speaking skills. This article discusses the methodological foundations of teaching writing at the pre-university stage of training foreign students. The research question is the written competence of foreign speakers. The primary need for the formation of this competence is justified, since mastering writing skills usually presents the greatest difficulty for those learning Ukrainian as a foreign language, since producing a written text involves a complex psychophysical mechanism: auditory, speech-motor, visual-graphic, motor analyzers are simultaneously employed. The article presents the stages formation of this competence in order to optimize and assimilate new lexical and grammatical material, examples of tasks with methodological recommendations are given. The article examines the methodical aspects of formation of foreign language orthographic skills at the lessons of Ukrainian as a foreign language. It is concluded that the successful formation of writing skills is facilitated by carefully thought out and selected material in accordance with the level of development and speech skills of foreign speakers with a gradual increase in the complexity and repeatability of the material in different types of exercises. Formation of the language and speech of a foreign student personality who is able to freely listen to university lectures, knows how to work on a text, transform it, make compression at the level of a sentence, paragraph, text, make a plan, take notes, write reports - an important task of preparatory departments for foreign citizens. The modern method of teaching a foreign language emphasizes the need interconnected learning of all types of speech activity.The problem of teaching written speech is one of the most actual in the methodology of teaching foreign languages. The need for further study of this problem is due to the general digitization and development of information technologies, since this direction opens up a wide range of didactic opportunities for a teacher, and contributes to the increase in the effectiveness of foreign language learning.

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