
The methodology of determination optimal values of independent parameters for model of car-service system on macrolevels of center that simply answer morphological signs her functional element «Autoservice enterprise» is offered in the article. Methodology is based on the results of analysis statistical and forecast indexes of quality, that it is got after a nonlinear model as Sugeno. Realization of model is carried out with application of the module Fuzzy Logic Toolbox in the package of Matlab. Nonlinear dependences are investigational to the coefficient of quality of technological processes from possible combinations of entry parameters the system for the typical domestic enterprises of car-service center: point of technical service, car repair service workshop, technical service station, authorized technical service station, specialized autoservice enterprise and complex autoservice enterprise. Power of enterprise (amount of posts), level of personnel provision, form of production organization, is taken into account. Level of personnel provision certainly as a complex index, that characterizes the amount of personnel, that is needed for implementation of the pre-arranged technological processes, level of qualification of personnel and level of material well-being technological discipline of personnel. The flow-chart of algorithm sequence of implementation of the stages of methodology is offered is built. An algorithm consists of eight stages and contains a subroutine call of determination optimal form of production. On the basis of computer experiment the maximal values of level quality of technological processes are certain and it is calculated the expected increase at the optimal values of descriptions autoservice enterprise and permanent values of parameters of subsystems «Cars» and «Environment». The offered methodology it is expedient to apply for determination of ways optimization car-service enterprises on micro- and macrolevels. KEYWORDS: AUTOSERVICE ENTERPRISE, PRODUCTION PROCESS, QUALITY.

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