
The article analyzes the possibilities of adapting foreign experience of Public Administration to the development of the e-government system in Ukraine. It is determined that the characteristic features in the development of information technology potential in improving public administration systems are the "quantum" approach to information management. We are talking about the widespread creation of systematized arrays of information, clearly structured according to various criteria and characteristics. It is concluded that the analysis of such arrays of information using information technologies gives a powerful potential in determining strategic directions of action, both in forecasting the state management system and in planning its activities. It is also proposed to use the experience of expanding access to information services; creating a system for training and training specialists in information and computer technologies; creating transparency of budget relations; creating electronic spheres of Public Administration in various directions; expand the service sector for businesses and create even greater conditions for mastering various business, statistical and other information. An important aspect of activity in the development of the public administration system is personnel support for the process of implementing the public administration paradigm. Foreign experience has shown the need to develop a human resources support system in two areas: external training and internal training. The first category should include the creation of state programs that focus on the experience of the world's best centers and scientific systems. The second direction should be based on the creation of a system of training specialists within the public administration system. Thus, the effectiveness of the implemented directions for improving the public administration system will significantly increase. The tasks of developing e-government should have their own ambitious goals and unique technologies that are unique to our management system.

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