
The issues of creating an integral space for the life of an extremely complex, contradictory modern person as a unique personality, with all the complex of his mental and spiritual components, brings to the fore the issue of emotional comfort. Achieving the harmony of the individual and the microcosm of the environment of his daily habitation passes into the plane of artistic and aesthetic searches and solutions. The relevance of the study lies in identifying the principles of designing a modern spiritual, cultural and socio-psychological space, where the formation and development of a new personality takes place. Currently, this issue is of special relevance for design education. The methodological basis of the research consists of general scientific methods (dialectical-materialistic method, induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis) and the method of comparative analysis. The novelty of the work is revealed in a creative approach to the environment. Basing on the analysis of architectural forms and the natural environment, the authors establish compositional techniques for the relationship between artificial and natural elements of temple complexes and estate territories. The paper highlights modern cultural and humanistic functions in the environment of temple and estate complexes as places of concentration of new spiritual and moral values of a person. The conclusions include providing techniques for harmonizing the artificial and natural objects of temples and estate complexes. The cultural and semantic unity of architectural objects, small architectural forms and open spaces shapes the artistic and figurative environment of the complex. The study represents compositional solutions in the form of the relationship of point, linear, planar and volumetric elements of the environment of multifunctional environmental complexes (by the example of the renovation projects of the Aleksino estate (Smolensk region) and the Kosmo-Damianovskiy temple in the village of Kazinka (Lipetsk region)).

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