
The article substantiates the need for correction of uncertain behavior of children with special educational needs, in particular with general underdevelopment of speech. Sand therapy is analyzed as a means of eliminating uncertainty among younger students with general underdevelopment of speech. The researches of scientists on this issue is analyzed and it an determined that sand therapy has recently been used in behavioral correction. In particular, the focus is on the fact that the results of the use of sand therapy depend on the goals that are set at the beginning of correction work. Sand therapy helps to improve the overall emotional state of the child, helps to eliminate fear, negative emotions, worries; develops imagination, creativity, thinking, speech, memory, attention and fine motor skills. It is outlined that for the experimental study 40 children with general speech underdevelopment were taken. Methods that allowed to detect uncertainty in the specified category of children are described. It has been proven that sand therapy is advisable to carry out with younger schoolchildren with general underdevelopment of speech individually or in small groups. The approximate scheme of work on sand therapy is determined, which covers the following stages: orientation, or the ritual of immersion in the «sand world», which involves sensorial stimulation; learning the rules of work with sand; basic stage is medical games and homework; relaxation stage covers a relaxation task or free play, which is the final exit from the «sand world». It has been proven that it is much easier for children with speech problems are much easier to learn lessons with the help of some types of sand therapy. Difficulties with speech of younger school-age children a easier to overcome, as the structure of sand affects the tangible and kinesthetic centers that are connected with the cerebral hemispheres responsible for speech activity.

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