
The proceeding considers aspects of preparation of students of art faculties of pedagogical universities for future professional activity. The ability of future music teachers to analyze vocal and choral works in the process of musical activity is emphasized. The development of the ability to carry out music-theoretical, vocal-choral, artistic and pedagogical analysis of vocal-choral work at the present stage of development of music pedagogy becomes important in the formation of professional competencies of future teachers of music. This is because the teacher must be constantly ready to model the educational process during music and practical activities with their students in the classroom. Successful work on the study of vocal and choral works involves preliminary self-acquaintance and a thorough study of the work. The analysis of the choral work includes step-by-step work on all the details of the vocal and choral performance of the work. Taking into account the actualization and use of knowledge, skills and abilities from other humanities and music- theoretical disciplines, the analysis of the work acquires a pedagogical direction. To explore all the elements of vocal- choral sonority and means of musical expression. The analysis needs to be carried out according to a certain plan. The plan should consist of appropriate sections that will help to explore the work in more detail. Sections and subsections are used as needed depending on the characteristics of the work, which has been analyzed. In some sections it is possible to pay more attention to the details that are significant and special for this work, in others - to reduce the information. In the first section it is necessary to characterize the general information about the composition: brief information about the authors and a comparative analysis of literature and music text. In the second section you can analyze the music and music-theoretical analysis of the work: musical form, key, meter, rhythm, tempo, dynamics, texture, interval, harmony and more. The third section should be devoted to vocal-choral analysis: type and type of chorus, ensemble, system, range of parts, breathing, sound, etc. In the fourth section it is necessary to carry out the executive analysis: character and peculiarities of the conductor, gesture, identification of difficulties in the implementation and basic methods of overcoming them in the process of Learning the work. In the article on the example of Ukrainian folk song arranged by V. Ostrovsky «Oh you, the moon…» a complete analysis of the choral work.

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