
Presented is his article presents the experience of forming responsible parenting among university students, that is characterized by diversity and integration of it’s constituent areas, programs, development routes. The urgency of this problem is due to the interest of the state in the person of its social institutions in the high-quality preparation of young people for family life, since a strong family is a guarantee of stability and well-being of society and a leading factor in the preservation of spiritual and moral values and national customs. To participate in the study selected were 500 students of 1–3 courses, aged 18 to 21, of which 250 respondents were boys, 250 were girls. The sample was represented by students from five institutes of Kurgan state university without emphasis on their professional orientation. Based on research results, the article defines structure and content of value paradigm among young people in the sphere of family relations. Within the framework of inter-network interaction, researchers attempt to create conditions for the formation of ideological attitudes towards the family as the highest ethical value among students, and also to analyze the organization of gender-role interaction, and also make an attempt to provide opportunity for young people to build their own individual life trajectory. The experience gained in formation of family values and preparation for parenting at university is summarized in periodicals; collections of scientific papers, guidelines and textbooks on pedagogy and psychology of family and family education, speeches at conferences at various levels, and master classes.

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