
Historical and retrospective analysis of forming the magistracy is made in the article. The main stages of this process are distinguished, namely: the 1st one is the appearance of master’s degree programs in the first universities of Western Europe in the XII-XIII centuries; the 2-nd stage is training masters in the universities of Eastern Europe in the 18-th century; the 3rd one is masters’ preparing at the universities in Russia in the 17-th – 18-th centuries; the 4-th stage is magistracy renewing in Ukraine in 1993-1997. The interpretation of the concepts of “master”, “magistracy” is considered. The analysis of publications devoted to the issues of developing the magistracy in Ukraine and abroad is presented. The characteristic of the first curricula of masters’ training in the field of 0101 Pedagogical education of the specialty 8.010101 “Preschool education” on the basis of education qualification level “Specialist” of a number of Ukrainian institutions of higher education, that were the first to introduce the stage education is presented. The analysis of the content of the curricula is presented from the point of view of forming intending specialists’ readiness to ensure the quality of the educational process in a preschool education institution. Common and distinctive features of the curricula are distinguished. The possible reasons for their differences and the lack of courses, studying of which purposefully forms the components of masters’ readiness to ensure the quality of the educational process in a preschool education institution are pointed out. The conclusions emphasize that the training modern masters for preschool education in Ukrainian higher education is oriented to the European standards, and in each higher education establishment there is their own system of training, the visions of its content and the end result, taking into account the qualifications obtained by the intending specialists. It has been stated that since magistracy renewal there has been no thorough researches in Ukraine on the issue of training masters for preschool education in doctoral theses. Key words: historical and retrospective analysis, master’s degree, magistracy, masters’ training, the curriculum for masters’ training of the specialty “Preschool education”, readiness to ensure the quality of the educational process in a preschool education institution.

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