
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of readiness for responsible parenting among the senior high school students of boarding schools caused by: 1) specificity of students (social orphanhood, the derivation syndrome, lack of the possibility to gain parents’ positive social experience); 2) features of organization of boarding students’ everyday life (forced adaptation to a large number of peers; limitation of the range of gender role); 3) considering of potential opportunities of extracurricular activities in boarding schools; 4) sensitivity of early adolescence in the context of this problem (developing of the ideals of femininity and masculinity, looking to the future, making life plans). The structure of the notion of “readiness for responsible parenting among senior high school students of boarding schools” is defined in the article. It includes such components as: cognitive component – knowledge of legislative basis for family and marriage; knowledge of family functions; understanding the essence of parenting; understanding the importance of parenting; knowledge skills on reproductive culture and family pedagogy; emotional-value component – values, needs, positive motivation towards making a family and having children in future; enrichment of the emotional sphere with feelings of happiness, love, concern for the other people; activity-behavioural component – ability of harmonious interaction with other people; need of improving oneself as a future parent; skills of improvement and protection of reproductive health. The criteria of “readiness for responsible parenting among the senior high school students of boarding schools” are defined according to the components of readiness for responsible parenting of students, namely: cognitive criterion (knowledge of the functions of modern family; understanding the essence of parenting; knowledge of basis reproductive healthy), emotional-value criterion (positive motivation towards making a family and having children in future; emphatic ability; need for communication and interpersonal interaction), activity-behavioural criterion (ability of harmonious interaction with other people; skills improvement and protection of the reproductive health; need of improving oneself as a future parent). The results obtained have shown that 25,8 % of senior high school students of boarding schools have the high level of readiness for responsible parenting; 34,3 % of senior high school students have the middle level and 39,8 % of senior high school students have the low level of readiness for responsible parenting. Key words: readiness for responsible parenting, high school students of boarding schools, structure, criteria and indicators of readiness for responsible parenting, peculiarities of formation of readiness for responsible parenting, pedagogical conditions.

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